Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jesus is Calling - 365 Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young

This book is simple, yet relevant and attractive to young audiences. The author has written one devotional for each day of the year. Each are only a few paragraphs in length, with a key Bible verse relating to the topic for the day, as well as supplemental Bible reading for kids who want to go further in study. This devotional book is unique, because the author has written the devotions as though God is speaking directly to the reader.

I think this is a great book for elementary to pre-teen age kids who are starting out in developing a quiet time with God. The topics of the devotionals speak of things that children can relate to and it is written in a way that brings God’s Word into everyday life. I think the fact that God seems to be talking with reader helps establish the truth that Scripture is living and active, and that God is very much involved in the details of our lives. I also like the “Read on Your Own” suggested scriptures because it encourages kids to not stop at a one page devo, but to spend time learning and growing on their own. In addition to how valuable the content is, the cover is fun and trendy. I highly recommend!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Christmas Prayer by Amy Parker

A Christmas Prayer is an adorable children’s book that leads children in a sweet prayer modeled after the Christmas story of the Bible. The prayer draws attention away from the material aspects of Christmas, and turns children to the true Christmas Gift, Jesus. As children read the prayer, they can follow the small child in the book who sets up a nativity type scene piece by piece. The child uses toys and stuffed animals to create a precious display of Christ’s birth.

The illustrations, by Marijan Ramljak, are soft and precious. The book is attractive, with a padded cover and cardboard pages. And I love that the book both teaches children how to pray, while teaching them about Christ’s birth. While the style of book is perfect for toddlers, the prayer is something that even early elementary children would enjoy. I look forward to sharing this book with my niece and nephews!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker...and a GIVEAWAY!!

This book is a thrilling fiction novel that captivates readers with the passion of the story. It is a story with a basis of all things entertaining: suspense, action, romance, mystery. It is set in a time and place with a cast of characters that play upon the curiosity of the reader. Yet it is the unfolding story of love, betrayal and sacrifice that grips the heart of the reader more than anything. It is a complete illustration of the power of sacrificial love and redemption, not only within human relationships, but within our relationship with God, the true lover of our souls.

This book left me contemplating sacrificial love: the cost of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for me…just to be with Him. But I also thought about the call on my life to have a sacrificial love toward others. What is sacrificial love? What does it look like?

I believe it can be illustrated and demonstrated in many ways. The ultimate demonstration of sacrificial love was of course, Christ bearing all our sins on the cross, defeating death and hell so we can spend an eternity in God’s presence. The extent of His pain I know I cannot fathom. But even what I do understand I cannot imagine being able to have that type of sacrificial love without His power in my life. To love beyond my own desires, needs, pains…to love beyond betrayal…selfless and pure…this is sacrificial love. I fall short daily, but because of HIS redemption I can freely live and keep on trying.

Now it is your turn: What is sacrificial love to you?

As part of my review, the folks at Thomas Nelson Publishing have asked me to do a t-shirt giveaway. This is exciting because that means one of you will win this FREE t-shirt created especially for the release of Immanuel’s Veins!! I have one too (see photo). It is simple and artistic, featuring the words “Spread the Love”, something we should strive to do every day.

All you have to do to enter the giveaway is post a comment answering the question (what is sacrificial love?) by midnight on September 15, 2010. I will contact the winner and provide details for getting your free shirt. That’s it! Good luck!!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Out Live Your Life by Max Lucado

In this book, Lucado brings the idea of changing the world closer to home. Most of us are ordinary people and we often fall into thinking that we cannot make much of a difference…or that God only uses extraordinary people. Lucado reminds us that God has and still does use regular people to accomplish His will, the question is: are we brave enough to be obedient?

The book is full of relevant and practical points that help readers understand the great need in our world for people who will step out to make a difference. Each chapter covers a different aspect of being a servant and giving of oneself to a cause or need. Perhaps the most significant characteristic of this book is that Lucado doesn’t simply inform, but instead challenges the reader to action. The chapters are short, but loaded with ideas to consider. It is fitting that each ends with an applicable Bible verse and prayer the reader can use to take the first steps to fulfilling the challenge presented.

This is one of those books you cannot breeze through in a day. I believe Lucado accomplished his purpose in writing the book, creating something that causes any follower of Christ (including me) to give pause and reconsider…am I willing to make a difference? After all, it is what I was made to do.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Heavens Proclaim His Glory by Lisa Stilwell

This is a beautiful book of images taken by the Hubble telescope of God’s creation in our universe. Images range from galaxies to planets, the birth of stars to their death, illustrating the vastness of God’s creation. Along with the images, the author used short facts to describe the photos to help the reader understand the magnificence of what was pictured. She also included relevant quotes from other Christian authors, leaders or artists and scripture that reflect what the images mean to them and give God praise for his works.

I thought this book was breathtaking, not only because of the images themselves, but because of the care taken to give God glory at the turn of each page. It is impossible to view the photos and read the descriptions without being captivated by the magnitude of God’s creativity, power and intelligence. I find books like this to be a treasure as it reveals a part of creation that we cannot see with our own eyes on a daily basis.

This is the type of book that would be great on display or presented as a gift. I would love to keep it, but I think I will pass it on to bless someone else with it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.