This book left me contemplating sacrificial love: the cost of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for me…just to be with Him. But I also thought about the call on my life to have a sacrificial love toward others. What is sacrificial love? What does it look like?
I believe it can be illustrated and demonstrated in many ways. The ultimate demonstration of sacrificial love was of course, Christ bearing all our sins on the cross, defeating death and hell so we can spend an eternity in God’s presence. The extent of His pain I know I cannot fathom. But even what I do understand I cannot imagine being able to have that type of sacrificial love without His power in my life. To love beyond my own desires, needs, pains…to love beyond betrayal…selfless and pure…this is sacrificial love. I fall short daily, but because of HIS redemption I can freely live and keep on trying.
Now it is your turn: What is sacrificial love to you?
All you have to do to enter the giveaway is post a comment answering the question (what is sacrificial love?) by midnight on September 15, 2010. I will contact the winner and provide details for getting your free shirt. That’s it! Good luck!!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Sacrificial love means giving ourselves wholeheartedly to the ones that we love without expecting anything for return.
To me it is like that story where the man bought his wife a beautiful comb for lovely long hair by selling his only possession worth anything his watch. But at the same time, his wife sold her hair (her only beautiful possession for chain for her husband's watch.
It is giving up what is most dear to yourself in order to give a precious gift to another.
Sacrificial love is putting others' needs before your own. When you do something for someone with their highest good in mind. It's the highest level of love you can show someone. Jesus says, "No greater love has one than this, that he should lay his life down for his friends." That would be the most sacrificial love of all.
Sacrificial love can be demonstrated in my household by giving up on something I really wanted or doing something I do not want to do, to make my husband happy. Doing this without complaining but happily out of love and respect for him. I often demonstrate this with my daughter by passing up on something I would really like to do or a place i would like to go because it is not in HER best interest.
I am so thankful for Gods ultimate demonstration of sacrificial love. This is something we all fail at showing daily and can continue to improve at.
Thanks for the book review Valerie :)
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